上海迪奥生物科技有限公司 官方首页 - 生物在线


Shanghai DoBio Biotech CO.,LTD

展位号: BIOON-ad053b4964c

展台参观: 3171775

产品总数: 12577

信用积分: 534



地 址:上海市斜土路1175号景泰大厦1508

电 话:021-54960912

传 真:021-54035803

公司介绍 更多

        上海迪奥生物科技有限公司,是一家专业经营进口试剂、仪器仪表、化工原料及实验室消耗品等的公司。其产品覆盖了生命领域从分子生物学研究、蛋白表达、细胞培养到层析纯化,从抗原抗体、成套试剂盒到微生物培养及其生物活性研究等相关试剂几近所有过程。 在生物试剂公司林立的今天,迪奥生物始终以质量上层,诚信服务为经营理念,坚持平等互助、开放进取、技术创新的企业文化,努力为科研领域提供质量上乘,技术含量高,操作方便快捷的产品。迪奥生物凭借其对市场的充分了解,对产品进行深入细致的分析,以其雄厚的资本,快速的流通,随时为客户提供实验急需产品。 对一直以来支持迪奥生物的朋友们深表感谢!让我们与生命科学携手共创美好的明天!

       Dobio Biology Technology Inc specializes in selling imported reagent, biological instruments ,chemical material and some expendable using in the lab. The products cover the fields of the study of molecule biology, expression of protein, from cell culture to layer purification, from antigen antibody , the whole set reagent kit to the microorganism culture and the research of theactivity of the biology . Dobio always keeps the business belief of high quality and honest service, stick to the business culture of equality , mutual help, open-minded and improvement, and the technological innovation in the most competitive business world. Our company devotes to provide products which belong to the top quality , advanced technology and handling facilities. Dobiooffers products badly needed in the experiments at any time , which depend on the thorough acquaintance of the market , the deeplyanalyse of the products , as well as the abundant capital and fastcirculation. We really thank the friends who support Dobio all the time! Let us make all efforts to make a bright tomorrow for life science!
